The Appeal of Suburban Living

mother and her daughters picking up trash around the suburbs

Since the early 2010s, living in the city has been a popular and practical choice, especially, amongst Millennials who prefer to rent rather than buy their own properties. Renting a condo provided shorter commutes and access to amenities such as gym or swimming pools without worrying about maintenance or repair.

However, the past couple of years has shown the resurgence of suburban living, especially with real estate development projects being built close to the city. Millennials who are now planning to start their own families are gaining interest in moving to the suburbs.

Here are some of the benefits that are attracting more people to buy properties in suburban communities.

Suburbs Provide the Same Amenities as City Living Does

Real estate developers are incorporating family and kid-friendly amenities into their master plans. Just like condominiums, pools, sports facilities, gym and playgrounds are also found in suburban areas. Some suburbs are located a few minutes away from the city, which allows access to museums, zoos, restaurants and cafes.

Suburbs are Located in Greener Spaces

Many studies have shown that living in green spaces reduces stress, improves well-being and lifts mood. Enjoying these health benefits is important especially for professionals who experience a huge amount of work-related stress every day. Going home to a green environment provides a calming and relaxing effect that can effectively recharge the tired body and mind. Some suburban communities are designed with parks, nature trails for hiking and biking suitable for residents who love to explore nature without having to go far away from their homes.

arial view of suburbs

Suburbs are Safe for Children and Pets

Gated communities in suburbs increase safety, which is a top priority for families with children and pets. While cities are also safe to live in, crime rates surrounding most suburbs are lower. Since there are also fewer vehicles, traffic congestion and road accidents are less likely to happen. Children and can play at the front yard or ride their bikes on the streets while their pets can run around freely.

Suburbs are Less Crowded

Compared to apartment complexes and condominiums, homes in the suburbs are designed with wider spaces in between, providing homeowners with the privacy they need. Pet owners don’t have to worry much about waking up the neighbours when their pets get restless and noisy. Auto enthusiasts can tinker with their cars and music lovers can play instruments in the garage without disturbing neighbouring homes.

Fewer people and children in suburban communities also mean less crowding in schools. With better student-to-teacher ratio, children may be exposed to better education.

Suburbs are Less Expensive

Owning a home in the suburbs is more cost-efficient for a family. With less than the price of buying a condominium unit or an apartment, a family can buy a bigger home when they invest in a property in the suburbs.

While living in the city is still viable to many, suburbs are emerging to be an alternative to city living. This is because they provide better prices, bigger homes and greener spaces while offering the same amenities of their urban counterparts.

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