Find a Home in Australia’s Most Multicultural Suburbs

a house

Melbourne is one of the most multi-cultural cities in the world — being home to people from 191 countries. The suburb of Point Cook is one of these melting pots, and it has become one of the new leaders in Australia’s housing markets.

Improved Living in the Suburbs

Continuous developments in Point Cook has turned this once unpopular suburb into one of the most desirable places to reside in or simply own a new estate. Road access to the central business district (CBD) has been improved — with travel time down to 30 minutes.

The faster drive to the CBD has made Point Cook a strong option for young people and newly-weds. More bus stations and bus routes have been established to meet the demands of the growing population. More than 60,000 individuals now reside in Point Cook — almost double the population in 2011.

The sharp rise in population led to the development of more schools, shops, and restaurants. Sports are popular pastimes, and the suburb has several clubs devoted to various sports like cricket, Australian football, and soccer.

A Friendly Multicultural Neighbourhood

Almost half of the population of Point Cook were born outside of Australia. A good majority of foreign-born residents came from the Asian countries of China, India, Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia — but Europeans from the U.K. and New Zealand also account for a good part of the population.

The cultural diversity is reflected in the suburb’s different shops and restaurants. The cafes and restaurants in Point Cook include cuisines from different parts of the world — though they still have vegetarian and vegan restaurants.

Although half of the population is foreign-born, Point Cook has experienced very little problems regarding integration as Asian and European culture are usually compatible with Australian culture. There are no incidents of residents demanding changes to policies and laws or enacting forceful changes that seek to change the pervading culture.

A Worthwhile Residential Investment

the suburbs

Point Cook is popular with both young professionals and the elderly. Even with its multicultural population, the suburb has one of the highest Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) Index of Relative Social Disadvantage (IRSD) score.

The high SEIFA IRSD score means Point Cook is one of the least disadvantaged suburbs in the county. This translates to a safer and more prosperous community. Schools in Point Cook are highly regarded, and more than 35 percent of students go on to achieve a bachelor or higher degree.

Real estate in the suburb is expected to continually rise in value in the following years due to the increasing demands of foreign buyers — so buying early may prove to be a worthwhile investment.

A permanent residence in Point Cook is also a viable option as the community is friendly, the roads are accessible, shops and restaurants are numerous and flourishing, and there are no problems regarding security and safety.

Quiet living in the suburbs might just be the change you need — and Point Cook is a great place to start anew. It’s a place where you can see multiculturalism at its best, live in a quiet neighbourhood, and still have easy access to the high city life.

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